
Mémorial de Groupe

Istanbul Terrorist Attack On Nye 2017

Crée le: Lundi, 2 janvier 2017

A propos du Mémorial

Istanbul Terrorist Attack on New Year’s Eve 2017.‎

This Memorial site was created for the victims of the barbarous and inhumane attack on innocent ‎civilians that were simply enjoying at Reina Night Club the New Year’s Eve 2017 festivities, where 39 persons were shot dead and ‎more than 60 wounded, including 3 young Lebanese that were killed by a blind terrorist murderer.‎
These innocent victims should not be forgotten.‎

Please feel free to light a Candle or Place a Flower or a Garland on their grave as a solidarity action.‎
May their Soul rest in Peace in the Kingdom of Heaven.‎

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